Developing Community for Your Children at Church

A message about ARTS Camp, from Deborah Voss

Matthew (Youth Director) and I were talking after Confirmation Sunday and he shared that his freshman and sophomore classes are so bonded as a group and distinctly different from the Junior and Senior classes. He wondered why, what was the difference. After exploring it, a lightbulb went on and we realized it is…

because a majority of the kids in the freshman and sophomore classes went to ARTS Camp together!

They established a strong sense of community through living, playing, working, and sharing together each year. Year after year, they came and interacted in a way that is simply not possible for 40 minutes a week on Sundays. And as we all know, not every Sunday. I think, on average, children attend church only once or twice a month at most – and often not in the summer. Which means that in total, they spend 9 to 18 forty minute periods together over the year. This is simply not enough time to really make friends and feel a sense of belonging to the group. Which, of course, leads to the refrain, “I don’t want to go to church, I don’t know anyone.”

ARTS Camp can change that for your child…

give them a group that they feel they belong to, that is safe, and that as they grow they can depend on when the going gets tough. I’ve watched this happen over and over, and I offer it

to you for your child. Does it work for every kid? No, there have been a few kids that didn’t connect with what ARTS Camp had to offer, but the vast majority have the time of their lives and make friends that last as they move on into middle and high school.

There are 2 spaces left for girls and 8 spaces left for boys.

If you’d like to talk more about your questions or concerns, please contact me by email and let’s set up at time to talk.

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