Preparing the Way

Preparing the Way


Author: Eric Malmborg


The voice of one crying out in the wilderness, “Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” Mark 1:3 


I was particularly taken by Pastor Chris’s sermon, “Preparing the Way” when she spoke of those who have paved the way for others; John the Baptist paving the way for Christ’s ministry, and the two women who paved the way for Rosa Parks by refusing to give up their bus seats years before.


I began to think about our church and those who have gone before. If our calling, as Chris states, is to “reflect the light that is Christ,” then what were those individual and collective ministries that prepared a way for us and enriched the lives of our community and the world? Reflecting on those questions for even a moment leads one to feel gratitude for this place we call home.


As we consider our own callings, I invite you to ask yourself, “Who has prepared the way for me in my life? “How am I reflecting the light that is Christ and preparing the way for others?”


Prayer:  Thank you, God, for the blessings that have been bestowed upon us. May we find ways to reflect your light, share our gifts, and prepare the way for others.  Amen.

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