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With God’s Help

You can listen to this week’s Devotional here


 Author: Lynn Klyde-Allaman


“For I will restore health to you, and heal you of your wounds, says the Lord.” Jeremiah 30:17


I learned I had cancer last August. First, I endured radiation therapy, which led to six weeks of pain and exhaustion. Then, at the end of November, I had 65% of my liver removed. (Don’t worry. It grows back!) And thanks to my amazing doctors and their teams, I am now cancer-free.


I also had the combined prayers of a church and a synagogue behind me. The power of prayer can’t be underestimated. I am so thankful!


God gave me life, and God has sustained me for 54 years, and God helped me through my cancer diagnoses. That I believe with my whole heart. I’m not saying God cured me. But with God’s help I was able to get through a terrible ordeal.


I feel like I got a second chance at life. So what am I going to do with my newfound health?


I plan to live life to the fullest. I will eat the ice cream sundae without feeling guilty. I will sleep late for no reason. I will finally take that trip to Hawaii.


And I will continue to ask God for help whenever I need it.


It took me a long to time to learn how to pray. Growing up and in my early adulthood, I went to services and said the prayers that were written on the page. But I never really prayed. I had no relationship with God. It wasn’t until later in life, when I joined a 12-step program, that I was able to ask God for help. Now I ask for God’s help all the time.


What changed? I realized that I wasn’t in this life alone. God was in charge. I have no control over most of the things that happen in my life. The only things I can control are my actions. And if I pray regularly and make sure my actions coincide with what I think God wants me to do, I will most likely be OK. Attending religious services, studying the Bible and being a contributing member of both of my congregations help keep me on the right path.


I once heard that God answers all prayers, but sometimes the answer is “no.” It took me a while to understand this concept, but it is so true. Understanding this idea made me more accepting of God’s role in my life. God isn’t there to give us things. God is there to guide us.


One thing I’ve learned from this ordeal is not to take anything for granted. God created us in God’s image. Think about that for a moment. If we are created in God’s image, what amazing opportunities all of us must have to do good in the world!


God has given us a blank canvas. Let’s create something wonderful.


“It was you who created my conscience; You fashioned me in my mother’s womb. I praise you, For I am awesomely, wondrously made; Your work is wonderful, I know it very well.”  Psalms 139: 13-14



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