We love getting to know each other better, and we love to eat and have fun, too. We are always finding new ways to make these connections, whether we are welcoming new faces or spending time with long-time friends. Find your passion! Don’t see a group that fits your interest? Start a new one!

Dinners for 7
Dinners for 7 is a fellowship program intended to build connections among adults through sharing a meal. Participants are organized a couple times a year into groups of seven to meet three times – on a potluck basis at homes, rotating hosting duties, with the host providing an entrée and others providing salad or dessert, or any other format that works for that particular group. Or they can meet for breakfast or lunch, or at a restaurant. Contact Karen Cumbo.

Fellowship of the Grape
Fellowship of the Grape (FOG) is a monthly gathering of over-21 people sharing wine (or non-alcoholic beverages) on the 4th Friday of each month from 6:00-8:00 p.m. and getting to know each other informally. People host at their homes, choosing a theme and providing plates, napkins and a non-alcoholic beverage. Couples bring a bottle of wine and a hearty appetizer to share. Singles choose to bring either. The church provides wine glasses. Sign up to receive notice emails or to host. All are welcome! Contact Marj Fowler.

X Women
X Women are members of Gen X who identify as women. This group gathers socially to build peer relationships within the First Congregational community. Our name refers to our generation, at least one of our chromosomes, and our general superhero-like natures. Meetings are the third Friday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in rotating locations. Contact Laura Riihimaki, Nicole Speer, or Jessica Austin.

Genealogy Interest Group
Whether you’ve been doing genealogical research for years or are just starting, you are invited to join the Genealogy Interest Group. Members with expertise in research based on family and public records and DNA will share their knowledge and experience as they are able. Face-to-face meetings will be scheduled occasionally for those interested in a particular topic. Email and text communication is used to keep members of this group informed about topics and to keep in touch with each other. Contact: Keith Lance (or find him after Sunday 10:30 a.m. worship service).

Monday Breakfast Group
We are a small, social group which meets at Doug’s Diner, 2574 Baseline Road in Boulder (BaseMar Shopping Center), for breakfast on Mondays at 8:30. It is fun, informative, and the food is very good. For questions, contact Louisa Young.

Running Group
All runners are welcome! As a group we run mostly trails (Mt. Sanitas, Betasso, Mesa, Doudy, etc.) and usually on the weekends, but if you’re looking for road miles on the weekday, we do that as well. And if you just want to join the on-line group to track your runs for extra motivation, that works too. Register (free) for Running Group. Contact Victor Austin.

Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a gentle, non-strenuous way to build a stronger body-mind-spirit connection. Designed for everyone from beginners up, this class is a wonderful way to start the week. Dress in loose clothing and light footwear for maximum comfort. You may start the Tai Chi class at any time. This class is ongoing year-round and meets at Admiral Arleigh A. Burke Park (across from Frasier Retirement Community) on Mondays from 9:00-10:00 a.m. The instructor is Virginia Schultz and the cost per class is $10.00. Contact: Keith Lance.

Spring & Fall Picnics
On Sundays in September and May, we wander over to the picnic shelters at Foothills Community Park after worship for an All-Church Picnic to linger over a lunch of pulled pork and chicken or prepared sandwiches, mac and cheese, salads, and lemonade. Face painters, balloon animals, and lawn games add to the fun.

Boulder Lights of December Parade
We love a good party. So, we host one for the whole City on the first Saturday in December! That evening our kids and parents gather for a potluck before donning Christmas Pageant costumes to walk with the First Congregational Church float in Boulder’s Lights of December Parade. Afterwards, we open Plymouth Hall to the whole community and invite everyone in for cookies and hot chocolate, to make crafts, and listen to a concert by our Congregational Bells. Santa Claus shows up for a visit and stays all evening.