One of the many wonderful things about First Congregational Church is how much we enjoy each other’s company.  Several times a year, we gather for special events. Most are primarily social and just plain fun.

On the first Sunday after Labor Day in our parking lot, complete with burgers on the grill, popcorn, snow cones, face painting for the kids, and a bouncy house.  On this same Sunday, we participate in the Boulder PRIDE Parade and host a booth at the fair following in Boulder’s Central Park.

On a Saturday night in October, adults gather in Plymouth Hall for potluck appetizers and then split up into small groups for dinner in one location and dessert in another.  Organizing this huge event required the development of a new piece of computer software to map out folks moving from place to place.

This catered dinner and auction in November is hosted and served by our High School Youth. It’s the primary fundraiser for their summer Service Project.

On the first Saturday in December, Boulder hosts a holiday parade down Broadway. Our kids and parents gather before the parade for a potluck and then, dressed in Christmas Pageant costumes, join the parade with the First Congregational float. Afterwards, we open Plymouth Hall to the whole community and invite everyone in to drink hot chocolate and cider, decorate cookies, make crafts, listen to Congregational Bells, and to sing carols with the UFOs (Ukulele Foothills Orchestra). Santa Claus shows up for a visit and stays all evening.

In the early spring the Christian Education Committee hosts a pancake brunch in Plymouth Hall after Sunday worship. Try singing that last hymn in the sanctuary as the smell of bacon wafts through the air! This event is a fundraiser for Arts Camp scholarships.

On the first Sunday in May after worship, the whole congregation wanders over to Foothills Community Park to linger over a lunch of barbecue, baked beans, mac and cheese, lemonade, and too many desserts.

With Rocky Mountain National Park so nearby we’re glad to take the opportunity to reserve a couple of group sites in late August. Folks of all ages meet for a weekend of recreation and community building, hiking and campfires at the Glacier Basin Campground.

4th Fridays, 6 – 8 p.m.
Fellowship of the Grape (FOG) is an ongoing monthly gathering of over-21 church members or visitors to share wine (or non-alcoholic beverages) and get to know each other informally. People volunteer to host at their homes on a monthly basis, and can set a theme, such as wines from New Zealand, California white wines, or anything they choose. Participants bring a bottle of wine and a hearty appetizer to share. Hosts provide space, plates and napkins, and a non-alcoholic beverage. Contact Karen Cumbo,

This is an opportunity for families with young children up through elementary school age to socialize in fellowship (older siblings are welcome). On one weekend night a month, we gather for an early evening potluck dinner at the home of one of the group members. Contact Jeanne Quinn,