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Reflection After Service of Covenant & Installation

You can listen to this week’s Devotional here

Author: Linda Kowatch

I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.      Philippians 1:3-5

When Paul wrote these verses from prison around the years 53-62, they were intended for the church in Philippi. Paul loved the church at Philippi and this letter to them is known for its emphasis on joy. He recalls how they shared in the ministry of the gospel since the first day they believed until the day of his writing.

Today I borrow these verses from Paul to say the same message to First Congregational Church Boulder. It’s hard to believe that it has been nearly six years since I first showed up at First Congregational Church in September of 2018. Since the day I arrived, I have seen you all engaged in the ministry of the gospel. I am filled with complete joy thinking about you and all the ways you work to spread the love of Christ to all of God’s creation.

In the Falls of 2018 and 2019 I witnessed how you met together and were in relationship with one another. I began to be in relationship with you as a seminary intern. When COVID hit, you continued to show up by gathering on Zoom. Worship was recorded and then many joined during online Fellowship Hour.  Members of the choir sang on Zoom so that each online service would have special music. Grace Gifts were birthed out of the need to meet people right where they were in their own homes. And people joined the church never having stepped into the building.

For the past two years I have been living out my calling from God to be a pastor as your interim. I am not sure I ever thought it would happen, but God is bigger than me. Now I have the privilege of being your settled Associate Minister and live out my call with a faith community that is continually seeking new ways to live out your individual and collective calls from God. This is a very exciting time to be part of the local church and part of God’s Universal Church.

As a local church we have focused in on providing and engaging in faith formations of all ages, fostering a caring community for all of God’s children to belong, transforming our missional work into addressing structural injustices and living into our covenants through advocacy and service, and to become better in communicating so that we as a congregation are better organized and informed and to connect with the wider community. We have a plan that is rooted in the gospel message of love for all of creation, now we engage in relationship building within the church and with all of God’s children whom we encounter.

As an essential part of God’s Universal Church, it is imperative that we continue to do the work of the Gospel. Paul revealed, amid his joyous letter to the Philippians that some leaders were arguing and sidetracked. Others were causing dissension among the early believers as they required undue qualifications for church membership. Paul loved the Philippians, but he also reminded them to put aside the distractions and to be like Jesus. Friends, may we all take this reminder to be like Jesus. Find ways to know God better. Find ways to be more tuned to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Find ways to connect with and work with one another. Find ways to invite and include others.

First Congregational Church, I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now.

Thank you for loving me well and for calling me to serve you and serve with you. Blessings, Linda.

Prayer: Gracious and Loving God, we are filled with joy because of the love you have given us so abundantly and unconditionally. May we all continue to find ways to be thankful for one another so that together we can be the church you intend for us to be. In the name of Christ, we pray. Amen.

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