Evacuation Drill Details

Evacuation Drill Planned for October 20

The 10:30 worship service on October 20 will close with an evacuation drill, rather than a musical postlude.  This will provide an opportunity for members of the congregation to understand the policies and procedures that improve safety in the event of a fire or other emergency, and for us to test our communications and evacuation plans.

The fire alarm will sound briefly, and everyone in the sanctuary is asked to leave expeditiously through the nearest exit.  Members who have mobility challenges are invited to begin their exit during the last hymn.  Those members are asked to gather on Pine Street, at the bottom of the ramp.  Parents of Sunday school students are asked to meet their children in the courtyard at 1123 Spruce (brick building just west of the Spruce parking lot) NOT in the classroom.  Everyone else should gather in the Spruce lot.  After the drill, everyone is invited back to coffee hour, where they can provide feedback on the drill. Instructions and exit locations will be provided in a bulletin insert on October 20.  The Boulder Fire and Police departments will also be present to monitor the drill.  Members of the Safety Team will be at each of the gathering locations and the exits.

The FCC Safety Team has made a lot of improvements in the last year—more fire extinguishers and lighting, evacuation diagrams in classrooms, training opportunities, updating of existing procedures for Sunday School, adoption of an Emergency Operations Plan, and assigning Safety Coordinators at Sunday services.  The purpose of all of this is to provide a safe environment that is welcoming to all by preparing for and managing hazards.  While our risks may not be high, preparation and awareness produces better outcomes, and we invite you to advance this effort through your thoughtful participation and feedback on October 20.


Evacuation Instructions…

Everyone is asked to move quickly to the nearest exit.  For most of the congregation, exiting through one of the three doors at the rear of the church is the best option.

  1. For those with Mobility Challenges:  You are invited to get a “head start” by leaving your seat during the final hymn.  Please exit through the west door in the Narthex, and head down the ramp to the sidewalk on Pine Street.  A Safety Team member will meet you there.
  2. For the choir, ministers, and those in the first few rows of the sanctuary: Please exit through the door on the east side of the sanctuary (behind the organ), or the door in the chancel, behind the ministers.  Then head down the stairs CAREFULLY, to the door at the bottom of the stairs that opens to Broadway.  This is a very narrow and steep stairway, and will not accommodate a large number of people.
  3. Sunday School students (of all ages) and infants and toddlers will be evacuated by their teachers and taken to the meeting place at 1123 Spruce.
  4. Those sitting in the balcony: Go down the stairs and exit the east Pine Street door at the bottom of the steps.
  5. Everyone else: Exit one of the three doors at the back of the sanctuary, and then exit the nearest available exit—either the east Pine St. door, through the Link to one of the Link exits to Pine St, or the Link exit to the plaza.  Heading through the Faith Center hall to the west door is also an option.  DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR.

Gathering Places:  Those with mobility challenges should gather and wait on the Pine Street sidewalk.  Parents should meet their children in the courtyard at 1123 Spruce (front of red brick building west of the Spruce St. parking lot).  Parents should NOT go to classrooms—students won’t be there.  Everyone else in the congregation should meet in the Spruce St. parking lot.

The tower bells will be rung as an All Clear signal, and everyone is invited back for coffee and feedback.

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